After the Lights Go Out
After the Lights Go Out feat. King Charles. King Charles is host of the King Charles Radio Show, a blogger, relationship coach and speaker. Call in to chat or listen at 563-999-3456 or click
On The Scene
(Courtesy of Brooke Noel)
Spiritual Understanding
(Courtesy of Rev. James Johnson)
May 15, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that the Lord knows what we need, where we are, and who we are. When we know the 3 w's, whose we are, where we are going, and what to do, we give God Glory. Let the Holy Spirit lead us. Let Psalms 139 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 14, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, teach us we need to embrace patience, rest, and learn to wait on the Lord. Be anxious for nothing. Always be excited. Be enthusiastic, be compassionate about life and the business God has for you. Make sure you are in the right place, seated, and in your right mind. Let the Holy Spirit show us. Let John 4 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 13, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that out of sight does not mean out of mind. Many have not seen Jesus but by faith we can look forward to His second coming. Let the Holy Spirit lead us. Let 1 Peter 1 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 12, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that we are not agents of condemnation but of love. We are not to judge but to encourage each other. Let the Holy Spirit show us. Let John 3 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 11, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that love, like bread, is made fresh daily. So are our lives and our relationship with God and each other. Through prayer, we are to continually fellowship with God. Prayer is a conversation with God by scripture. Pray it back to Him. Make it personal. Let the Holy Spirit lead us. Let Lamentations 3, Psalms 86, and 1 John 1 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 10, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that we have divine defense through prayer and we are to continually encourage ourselves, like David, and encourage each other. Let the Holy Spirit lead us. Let Nehemiah 4, Ephesians 6, 1 Colossians 3 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 9, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, teach us we are to encourage each other. Stir up the gift through the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit show us. Let 1 Thessalonians 4, Romans 12-15, and Acts 13 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 8, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that we are not forgotten. God establishes order in the world and in our lives. We must follow Gods order like wisdom, it only comes from God. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Isaiah 49 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 7, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that like Elijah, we have a double portion of the Holy Spirit as our comforter, teacher, and model of Christ to ensure our success, 'Spiritual Undertaking Christian Calling Experiencing Spiritual Solutions' . Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let 2 Kings 2 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 6, 2016 -At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, encourages us to stay in prayer and commune with God as Jesus did. Our Father gets no greater joy than for us to be in fellowship with and relational with others. Let the Holy Spirit show us. Let 1 Thessalonians 5, Romans 12, Colossians 4 and 3 John 1 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 5, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that this little light of mine, we are to let it shine in Christ. Being in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. Let God shine through. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Matthew 5 and Ephesians 1 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
May 1, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, shows us that God is in the restoration business. Use your restoration as Paul did to minister to others. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Philippians 3, Acts 9, and 2 Corinthians 5 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 28, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that we are surrounded by Gods faithfulness and love. Let the Holy Spirit teach us Gods love and His provision through Christ. Let Malachi 1-4 and 1 John 4 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 27, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that we are surrounded by Gods faithfulness. Let the Holy Spirit show us that God is in the rainbow. Let Matthew 8 and Genesis be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 26, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, teaches and gives us instructions to have endurance and encourage ourselves and others about the scriptures, and how the scriptures give hope through Christ. Him being crucified, resurrected and sitting at Gods right hand. Let the Holy Spirit unpack that. Let Romans 15, 1 Corinthians 2, and John 16 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 25, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, remind us to sing a song of praise even in our difficulties. Let the Holy Spirit lead us. Let 2 Samuel 22 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 24, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, will give us relief and justice in the time of trouble. They are righteous judges. Let the Holy Spirit guide us. Let 2 Thessalonians 1 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 23, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, remind us that God is faithful and His faithfulness continues through all. We are responsible to be faithful too. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Psalms 119:89-96 and Matthew 24 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 22, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, tell us that prayer and praise are comely. That means appropriate. It leads to praise. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Psalms and Romans 8 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 21, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, give us victory through the death of Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit comfort us. Let John 11 and 1 Corinthians be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 20, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, holds us responsible to live according to His instructions. Being guided by the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit lead us. Let Numbers 7 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 19, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, tell us that God is our helper and protector. Through the Holy Spirit he paints and beautifies our lives. Let the Holy Spirit guide us let Psalms 42 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 18, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, encourages us to wait for Him and while we are waiting we are to sing of His love forever. God said send me the singers and the praisers now. Watch God work. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let 2 Chronicles 20 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 17, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, remind us that we are to spiritually grow by the teachings and by fellowshipping in the word of God with one another. Pray one for another, pray one to another, pray one with another. Let the Holy Spirit show us how. Let Acts 2 and Psalms 122 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 16, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit remind us that we are to renew our hearts daily. Let the Holy Spirit show us how to love God, love ourselves and love others. Let 1 John 4 & 5 and Zechariah 2 be our guide. Do Well and Stay With It!
April 15, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit want us to know that there is no greater love than self sacrifice. Jesus going to the cross says it all. That's Love. Let the Holy Spirit show us the cross. Let Hebrews 10 and Galatians 1 be our guide.
April 14, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit want us to know that if they do not do anything else, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have already done enough but we can look forward to them doing much more. God still says 'Surprise', your attitude determines your altitude. Let the Holy Spirit teach us to fly. Let Psalm 19, 118 and 23 be our guide.
April 13, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit know that our actions reveal where our hearts are. All he wants is our hearts. All we can give is our hearts. Let the Holy Spirit teach us to give our hearts. Let Luke 12 be our guide.
April 12, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, wants us to walk in the Holy Spirit and let God rule. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Genesis 4 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 11, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us to live a balanced life in peace tradition vs compassion and peace. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Ecclesiastes 4 and Luke 7 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 10, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, reminds us that, they like honey have all the nutrients to sustain life. Now and in the hereafter. Let the Holy Spirit unpack that. Let Proverbs 12,13,16, Ephesians 4, Exodus 3 be our guide. Do well and stay with it.
April 9, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us to rejoice when we find ourselves in diverse situations as we trust God. God given or God allowed. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let James 1 thru 5, John 16 and 2 Corinthians 4 be our guide. Do well and Stay with it!
April 8, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that because of the resurrection we can look forward to seeing Him again. The way, the truth, and the life. Lets live for Him. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let John 11 and 1 Thessalonians be our guide.
April 7, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that because of the resurrection, we can look forward to seeing Him again. The way, the truth, and the life. Lets live for Him. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let John 11 and 1 Thessalonians 4 be our guide.
April 6, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit remind us that because Jesus went to the cross; hung, bled, and died, He got up with all power. When we believe in the resurrection, we now accept and understand what happened on the cross. That's love. Let's serve him while we are on this Jesus journey. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let 1 Corinthians 1 be our guide.
April 5, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit encourages us to serve Him and be compassionate as Christ was. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Jeremiah 1 be our guide.
April 4, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit tell us that God's grace is not only awesome, but sufficient for all He gives or allows. He also gives us wisdom when we ask. He gets no greater joy than for us to come to Him as our Father. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let James 1 be our guide.
April 3, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit intend for us to use our talents and our gifts to worship Him and give Him glory. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Be ready to serve. Let Exodus 31 be our guide.
April 2, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit know we need to straighten up and fly right. Straighten up and stay right. Only the Holy Spirit can lead and teach us. He led and helped Christ. Let the Holy Spirit teach us. Let Proverbs 3 be our guide.
April 1, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit remind us, God gets no greater joy than for us to worship Him in good times and bad. His love and joy are everlasting. Let the Holy Spirit teach us about love and joy. Let Psalms 100 and Hebrews 12 be our guide.
March 30, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit may allow our resources to dwindle so we can rely on His strength to showcase His Power and meet our needs. A very present help, not only in the time of trouble but, anytime. Call Him! My My My...Let the Holy Spirit unpack that and let Judges 7 and Isaiah 41 be our guide. Let the Holy Spirit lead and teach us to do well. Stay with it!
March 29, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit gives us an invitation to follow Him. Let Mark 2 and Acts 9 be our guide. Let the Holy Spirit lead and teach us to do well.
March 28, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that it wasn't the nails that held Him to the cross. He could have come down but the world would still be lost. But Because He got up, we can remember the road to Emmaus. Thank God He raised Him. He is risen. We are rising with him daily. Put your trust in Jesus. Let Luke 24 and Matthew 28 be our guide. Let the Holy Spirit lead and teach us to do well.
HAPPY EASTER...March 27, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that we can put our trust in Jesus. Remember the Easter story, His resurrection story, and the scars of Jesus. He is risen. Happy Easter! Let the Holy Spirit unpack that. Let John 20 and Revelations 21 be our guide. Let the Holy Spirit lead and teach us to do well. Stay with it!
March 26, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that when we understand the resurrection story, we now have the ministry to tell the resurrection story. We are able to help others and ourselves through the comforter. Let the Holy Spirit unpack that. Let Romans 8, Hebrews 13, and Psalms 22 be our guide. Let the Holy Spirit lead and teach us to do well. Stay with it!
March 25, 1016- At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that because of His shed blood, we're able to help others and ourselves through the comforter. Let the Holy Spirit unpack that. Let Romans 8, Hebrews 3:3, and Psalms 22 be our guide. Let the Holy Spirit lead and teach us to do well.
March 24, 2016- At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that all he wants is our heart. All we can give is our heart. Praying, prosperity on and poverty off your bloodline, all bloodlines, and our bloodlines. Let Mark 14 and The 4 Gospels be our guide and let the holy spirit lead.
March 23, 2016- At the table as winners, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit reminds us that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light. Life of the world, King of all kings, and Lord of all lords. That makes us Kingdom kids. Let Hebrews 9, the 4 gospels, and Genesis to Revelations, be our guide.
March 22, 2016- At the table as winners, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reminds us that in addition to, no man is an island. Each mans joy is joy. To each mans grief is my own, whether in joy or grief. We are children of the light and the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. That's why we must follow Him. Let Colossians 3 be our guide and let the Holy Spirit lead.
March 21, 2016 - At the table as winners, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit reminds us that we are children of the light and there is darkness in us. But we need Jesus to shine. Let your light so shine. Lift Jesus up and watch what happens. Let Ephesians 5 and the 4 Gospels be our Guide.
Stay with it!