Kia D Unplugged feat. Amanda Armstead aka Mandy the Mentor and Johnnie Mae Greene

Kia D Unplugged feat. Amanda Armstead aka Mandy the Mentor and Johnnie Mae Greene    Follow us on all our social media @WeTalkRadio or

Kia D Unplugged feat. Amanda Armstead aka Mandy the Mentor and Johnnie Mae Greene

Kia D Unplugged feat. Amanda Armstead aka Mandy the Mentor and Johnnie Mae Greene    Follow us on all our social media @WeTalkRadio or

The Morning Grind hosted by KeJohnna Owens

The Morning Grind hosted by KeJohnna Owens

Shine Lord Radio hosted by B. Ray

Shine Lord Radio hosted by B. Ray    Question: why is imporant to vote?  Are you registered to vote? Will you actually go to a voting location on Election Day? Will those with mail-in ballots fill them our and put the in the mailbox or take directly to Voting office?



Brand New Day with Emily Blue co-host DeAnn Lax Rewind

Brand New Day with Emily Blue co-host DeAnn Lax Rewind

Mind Body & Soul hosted by Big Joe

Mind Body & Soul hosted by Big Joe

When Men Talk hosted by T Smiley

When Men Talk hosted by T Smiley

Club WeTalkRadio After Dark hosted by Mz. Unpredictable

Club WeTalkRadio After Dark hosted by Mz. Unpredictable

Throwback Thursday's hosted by Mz. Unpredictable

Throwback Thursday's hosted by Mz. Unpredictable  Grown and Sexy , Unwine from your loooooooong day. Or get your grove on or back

Turn Up Tuesday's hosted by Mz. Unpredictable

Turn Up Tuesday's hosted by Mz. Unpredictable   PSA: Join Northway Christian Church and Warren Avenue Christian Church this Saturday for Voter Registrations.